Articles Categorized in: Animals

How To Keep Feral Cats Out Of Your Garden

How To Keep Feral Cats Out Of Your Garden

Whether they’re feral or housecats, outdoor cats can cause major issues for any garden. They might decide that your flower bed makes the perfect litter box, or that your yard could use a little landscaping. Keeping cats out of your gardencan seem tricky because they are so unpredictable and have a tendency to do exactly what they want to. If you haven’t read my entire excruciating story of the 6 month battle with feral cats, you should check out the home...
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How To Keep Foxes Out Of Your Garden

How To Keep Foxes Out Of Your Garden

Foxes are beautiful animals, but they are still not something that you would want to find in your garden or your yard. For the most part, foxes tend to avoid getting involved in human affairs, but if there is a chance of easy food they may well pay you a visit. Thankfully, foxes tend to avoid garden vegetables and ornamental plants, but they will still eat fruit and they will dig in flowerbeds. Foxes are also a concern from another...
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Keep Rabbits Out Of Your Garden

Keep Rabbits Out Of Your Garden

Rabbits might be cute and cuddly, but for gardeners, rabbits can be a frustrating and destructive menace that make short work of a garden. Remember Peter Rabbit? We were on Peter’s side as kids, but as adults, we kind of feel for the farmer. In many cases rabbits can even wipe out entire crops over the course of a night. One of the first indicators that you are dealing with a rabbit problem is the amount of damage that you...
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How To Keep Skunks Out Of Your Garden

How To Keep Skunks Out Of Your Garden

Out of all the pests that can invade your garden, skunks are one of the least welcome. While they tend to be non-aggressive and even look cute, they can make quite a stink if you get too close. To make matters worse skunks have a tendency to dig a lot of holes in flower beds and lawns, looking for grubs. This can turn your yard into an unsightly mess, as well as completely destroy a lot of hard work you...
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How To Keep Birds Out Of Your Garden

How To Keep Birds Out Of Your Garden

Sometimes birds can be a welcome part of a garden on a peaceful, sunny day, but sometimes this isn’t the case. For vegetable gardeners, little birdies can eat your precious new growth and some birds can leave quite a mess, especially if you have a lot of avian visitors. There are several humane ways to keep birds out of your garden regardless of whether you find yourself constantly cleaning up after bird droppings, or are just concerned about the damage that they...
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